Thursday, May 05, 2005

Today went well :)

Had our first Non-Stress Test for our little one today. It went well. I was monitored for the baby's heartbeat, movement, and if I had any contractions. I was hooked up for about 45 minutes. The nurse said everything looked great! So far, so good! I also had a small ultrasound to check the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus. He has plenty so that is good as well. I have to have a Non-Stress Test (NST) 2x a week until we deliver.

We have another ultrasound tomorrow to check his measurements.

Tim and I figured we should pack a bag "just in case" . If the tests showed signs of distress, then they would do an emergency C-section...maybe being prepared would help slow down the arrival...cause things usually happen when you least expect it :) I washed a bunch of his little clothes, his onsies, and socks, his 'lil prince outfit', his rockstar onesie. heehee I bought a couple nightgowns for me in the hospital and we will be READY! Can you believe that Tim and I will be parents in less than 2 months! (50 days till my due date, if I make it that long...BP pending...heehee)

Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers!