Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Videos added

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

I have been keeping up with adding pictures to Ty's dropshots site...(the videos link)

Tyler and I had a busy day!
We had playgroup... some shopping, visited the pet store to look at the fish... went to the gym, Ty decided he does not like the gym and I was able to do 1/2 the warm up... but thats ok. I don't want my little boy upset. We had a picnic when we got home and read a lot of books. Tyler LOVES books now and I could not be any happier about that. We had a mini photo shoot... he was such a little ham. His head is healing so quickly! Mederma for kids! It has been a little over a week...7 stitches and now you can barely tell. Ty just started the inquisitive stage... "Why? Why? Why? " haha He knows his shapes really well... esp the difference between a rectangle and square. Ty can write the letter T. We have little T's all over the place. "Across and Down:" I can hear him practice. So cute. He has become quite independent! "Mommy, I can do it myself." Whether dressing himself, getting in the car seat, etc... After he jumped into the car seat he said "See Mommy, I told you I could do it myself!" Right you are my little man. Growing way too quickly for me. I love him so much.