Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Big Bro!!

I have to post this because I know its possible that this all could change...but at this rate I doubt it :)

Tyler LOVED his baby brother. He is so sweet to him. He pays so much attention to him, includes him...occasionally jealous, but I think thats normal. So yesterday, I was feeding the baby and Ty asked if he could...(mind you, he could have played on his computer, watched TV, played with toys)...however he wanted to feed his brother. So I let him. He talked to him as he fed him, so sweet. He uses this soft, sweet voice with him...Chace just looked up adoringly with his big brown eyes. It was a moment. Then the other night he wanted to read to him...so I sat them on the couch. It was so touching to see. He didn't just read it, he had expression as though he was putting on a little show. Chace was captivated. I will cherish that. I am just loving watching this sweet bond form. I love them.