Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Teething is not pretty!!!

Our poor little Ty...He is working on getting his 6th tooth. The 5th one just broke through. (Look at the many toys can he bite on at one time?) He has had some rough nights...also he had learned to have separation anxiety at naptime and bedtime. I called the Dr. and she said he just wants to play, especially since he is getting around he wants to be entertained. And he misses us, mixed with teething...not pretty. It is so hard! We comfort him, then walk away to let him cry it out a little and he starts crying "Mama"...That is the HARDEST!!! He just stands in his crib looking up in dispair! And I have to be strong and not pick him up. We just lay him back down, pat his little bottom till he settles a bit...and walk out...and all over again..till he wears himself out. It is rough and Mommy here is EXHAUSTED! Daddy is too, not to mention Daddy has had to work though the night for a couple nights cause he is oncall for work. Tyler did sleep through the night last night. I guess that one tooth breaking through helped.

Ty is also learning the word 'No'...Not fun. He is getting good at the crocodile tears! It is so funny, he gets his sad face and cries for a couple seconds looking at you, like "Look what you did, you made me sad". It is funny, and cute. Yeah, making my child cry is cute. He is learning how to work us, and what he can get away with. He will go over to something he shouldn't and look at you like, "See whatI am doing...ha ha". He is not even 9 months old yet! Are we in trouble or what!!!

Tomorrow Tyler and I are going to the Library for the second time for Baby Boosters. We play, sing songs, read books, blow bubbles...Tyler is amazed at all the other little ones.

Tyler loves Elmo, our puppy Casey, gerber puffs, spaghetti, and Firehouse Tales...A little cartoon :)

Altighty, better get some things done!!! MWAH!

Love to all...