Saturday, June 18, 2005

Once upon a time....

Here is our story…we decided to write this one together…

Tim: Well we did it! Well, CANDACE did it! She is the strongest person I've ever met in my entire life. I have a new respect for her and women in general because this birthing thing is NOT easy. At our Dr. Appt Tuesday afternoon, the Dr. told us to go immediately to the hospital. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 dollars. Go straight in. So after coming home and finalizing our labor bag, we drove into the hospital Tuesday night around 6pm. When we got there we were immediately taken to a room and Candace was given a softening agent to "ripen" her cervix so they could induce labor the next morning. Ya see, at the Dr. Appt, Can's BP was thru the roof, so Dr.Lenowitz started to get worried and wanted to deliver the baby ASAP. It was necessary so that Can's BP would go back to normal and the baby's health wouldn't be threatened. So the ripening took all night and at 6am the next morning, they gave her pitocen to start to induce her.
Candace: The contractions started to become regular, and I finally progressed to 1 cm, ...then around 2pm I was 2 cm...The nurse/midwife Jessica at my OBs office broke my water, she is so wonderful and so positive. Unfortunately I had only progressed to 2 ½ cm...The contractions were so strong they called for the epidural. I had a spinal epidural and at first it seemed to work...but then I had some reactions to the spinal...I was numb to my ears, my BP dropped REAL low and I was vomiting...a bit scary, but it wore off, along with the epidural not working at all. They decided to give me another epidural a little lower. Again, my body didn't respond. I tried to relax, the pain is so intense. It really is hard to explain. I could not have made it without Tim, my Mom and my nurse Theresa. They kept me calm and focused…it is so easy to panic, but I breathed through it and kept thinking of my baby’s sweet face and that I would soon meet him. After 13 hours of active labor, my contractions were measuring pretty high, I had no progress, the baby’s heart rate increased, so Dr. Lenowitz decided it was best to do a C-section. So we were off to the operating room. On the way there, my contractions were still coming pretty strong, but I was getting closer to meeting my little angel. It was happening so fast, yet it felt like slow motion. We got to the room and they gave me a ‘spinal’ to numb me. The put me on the table and I felt numb up to my ears once again. I was having trouble swallowing and asked for water, but in reality I was having trouble breathing, so they put an oxygen mask on me. Tim was watching and holding my hand. I would go to sleep and he would make sure I was awake and ok. He was so worried about me. It took longer to get to the baby than I thought…I am so used to watching all those baby shows where they deliver in 2 minutes. Heehee I forgot they have to prep everything. I just could not wait. When they were operating and I did not feel a thing. The Anesthesiologist was apologizing for the pressure…I didn’t even feel that. I was finally at peace and ready to meet our boy…
Tim: What happened next was just the most amazing experience of my life. I was in the ER with Candace the entire time and though I was worried a couple times, everything went well and after approximately an hour, they brought Tyler Christopher into our world and our hearts. He was the most precious being I'd ever laid eyes on. Candace and I broke down and had a sob fest when I showed her a video of him being born. Ya see, she had the drape thingie in front of her face so she couldn't see anything that was going on. However I managed to stand up several times (most of the time actually) and watch what was happening. Then after the baby was born and they took him over to clean him up, I went over and video taped him and talked to him and it stopped him from crying immediately. The feeling was incredible! I've always thought that babies just weren't that cute or that they look sort of "alien", but when I saw my boy, I thought he was the most gorgeous, precious little person I've ever seen. WOW!

Candace: We were so elated. It all felt like a dream…Tim and I were parents!

Well, after they put everything back and stitched me up I was off to recovery. I felt like I was going to throw up…and I did, luckily my Dr. noticed and opened a clothes hamper for me. Ewwww. I got to recovery, where I had to stay for an hour, but I got to feed Tyler for the first time. I was so afraid of breastfeeding, but once you see your little angel and he is depending on you, it is amazing. Everything changes and you want to do everything for him. Just looking at him, seeing his sweet little face…Words cannot describe. So finally I get to go to my room. It is a smaller room than the first one. Tim was with Tyler as he got his first bath. MY family was still in the waiting room. I could not wait to see everyone and my new son! My Mom and Dad, Tim’s Dad and sisters Debbie and Diane, Alexis my sister, Jordan my brother and my future sister-in-law Megan were all there. WE were so excited and waited patiently for Tim and Tyler to come back. They finally did and everyone was overwhelmed with tears….


Born June 8, 2005 ~ 7lbs 15oz, 21 inches long

We’ll write more about our hospital stay over the next day or so and post those pictures.... Can you believe we are real parents to the most beautiful boy! We are so blessed. We want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. It is amazing how much our son is loved. We are so grateful. God Bless you all!

(Daddy T) Tim and (Mommy) Candace