seems we have a little soccer player on our hands. Candace felt the baby kicking yesterday for the first time. It was so cool. She was all like "GET OVER HERE AND FEEL THIS!" but unfortunately I couldn't feel it. It must be a strange feeling to have someone growing inside of you and so awesome to know that you are bringing this life into the world. I can't imagine and honestly it still hasn't sunk in yet, but our lives are changing drastically. ...for the better.
I can't wait to have a little one calling me daddy and depending on me to do stuff for them. It's a great feeling, but still scary at the same time.
We are scheduling a 3D ultrasound probably in March and have our regular ultrasound in February. I'll post pics once we get everything back. I'll even put some of the DVD up of the 3D ultrasound....
Can is feeling a little better. She can actually go into the kitchen and cook stuff without getting sick. And let me tell you, she's been cooking up some AWESOME dinners BOOOY!
Gotta go gotta go...