...that I would call it grouchy. Just pregnant. My baby has been pretty irritable thats right, but heck, who wouldn't be with someone growing inside of you? I can't imagine having to carry a baby for 9 months. They sure are right when they say that if men had to carry the baby and deliver it that civilization would cease.
We went to dinner last night. It was WAY packed and by the time the food got to us, it wasn't that good and kinda cold. Award winning ribs? I asked Can what kind of award they could have won because they were cold and dry. ha ha. We had fun though. We played that trivia game and it was cool. I think I'll be broiling some steaks for Can tonight. Last night just didn't cut it. We need to go grocery shopping.....ugghhh... I hate grocery shopping. Almost as much as I hate Christmas shopping.
Well gotta go and load some SUN equipment in the car...
T-Dad OUT!